In 2012, All Aboard looked west for its latest route creation and rediscovered a personal favorite, the Fort Smith to Heavener section of the Springdale to Heavener ran by the Arkansas-Midland railroad.
The Fort Smith To Heavener length is a robust 50 miles long but there's more to this section of the route than just mainline. If you love switching,this route is for you! Lots of industries populate this
section of the route ranging from small to very, very large. The Fort Smith To Heavener route was recreated faithfully by All Aboard to include landmark features as well as digital satellite placement so
most trees, even sporadic ones are in the same place. In some places changes were made but the enjoyment of this route is more than just a historical representation. Let me put it to you this way.
If you love mainline running the Fort Smith To Heavener offers a generous run from Heavener to Van Buren, a robust 50 miles with frequent grade changes though mostly mild.
The Fort Smith To Heavener offers an abundance in industries to switch with most being in the Fort Smith area. Hefty yards are featured in Heavener, Fort Smith and the largest in Van Buren.
The Fort Smith To Heavener route comes with 18 scenarios, 9 free-roam scenarios and a manual complete with schematics.
Below are pictures which provide a brief look at the Fort Smith To Heavener route.
Requirements to run the Fort Smith To Heavener route:
*Users who are new to Railworks will need to acquire the European and USA assets from DTG.
*Users who are new to All Aboard releases please be advised that All Aboard routes use 3DTrains Scaleroads and Rural Landscapes packages. There are free versions of these packages available from
3DTrains.com - To acquire these packages you only need to register at the 3Dtrains forum and download these packages for free. The pay version of Rural Landscapes is strongly recommended.
The Fort Smith To Heavener route also comes with its own separate scenario expansion pack, The Fort Smith City Railroad - Switchin' Is Railroading. 16 scenarios featuring switching which range from
intense yard switching to pickups/deliveries. The Fort Smith City RR - Switchin' Is Railroading also comes with its own repaint of Rich Chargin's freeware Alco S2 which the install manual tells you how to
acquire. A second very colorful manual also dives into the detail of why the FSC RR is even featured on the Fort Smith To Heavener route - continuing the story left off at the 18th scenario from the original
Fort Smith To Heavener route.